Jun 14,2024
Pillar Elementary School and Pillar High School hosted their annual Wheelin’ -n’ -Walkin’ Challenges in May, raising over a combined $115,000 to support programming for students with disabilities! The Wheelin’ -n’ -Walkin’ Challenges are a series of peer-to-peer fundraisers that bring together the community to support Pillar Care’s special needs schools. Volunteers, family members, staff members and stakeholders sponsor students, bringing in the support of their friends and family to give the students the resources they need to reach their full potential. On the day of the event, volunteers join together with the student to complete the challenge. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s events and made a difference at Pillar Schools.
A special thank you to the sponsors of the 2024 Wheelin’ -n’ -Walkin’ Challenges:
Elite Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Minor Analytics
Check out photos from the events below!
Pillar Elementary School
Pillar High School