PTTA (The Parent Teacher and Therapist Association)

The Parent Teacher and Therapist Association (PTTA) was established by Pillar Schools parents to encourage families to remain actively engaged with the schools’ educational-therapeutic program, lend their support by spearheading education and fundraising activities, and to meet and interact with other Pillar families.

The PTTA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.  We would like to give parents the forum and tools to collectively influence the decisions that affect our children in their schools.

For more information, please contact the Elementary School Principal, David Orioki, at [email protected] or the High School Principal, Joseph Schwartz, at [email protected].

How to Help

Our supporters are critical to helping our schools to go above and beyond for our students. There are a number of ways you can help.