Pillar High Students Showcase Colorful Wheel Covers Made by Ink Gallery Artists
Evan Whitenack

Pillar High School had the opportunity to work with the talented artists of Ink Gallery Tattoo Studio to create colorful wheel covers for students! The artists volunteered their time and creative energy to make personalized designs for the students. The artists then came to the school for a fashion show with the students to show off their new wheels!

To make the covers personalized, artists received profiles on the students’ interests and met them at the school to learn a bit more about them and their personality. The artists then painted on wheel covers made by I-Wheel USA, a wheelchair accessory company, to create these vibrant covers.

Ink Gallery artists meeting with Pillar High teacher Ms. Marta to learn about the school
Ink Gallery artists meeting with Pillar High teacher Ms. Marta to learn about the school

The day of the Wheelchair Fashion Show, the Ink Gallery team came out to Pillar High School to present their works. Volunteer MC Dylan Dubois introduced the artists and students as they made their way on stage to show off their new covers. The artists explained their work and how the imagery of each cover had sentimental meaning to the students and their interests. The students then went down the runway as the audience cheered them on.

Ink Gallery artist Hector explaining the meaning behind his wheel covers
Ink Gallery artist Hector explaining the meaning behind his wheel covers

A huge thank you to everyone who played a part in bringing this event to life: Pillar High School parent Tara Powers coordinated with Ink Gallery to bring the artists to the school, DJ Dylan Dubois MC’d the event and kept the energy high, Delphine Venitucci of @iWheel_USA made the covers the artists painted on, donors of the Steps to Independence Celebration’s Text for a Cause initiative funded the event, and volunteers from Livingston Young Men’s Service League kept things running smoothly during the show. Lastly, thank you to all the families and friends that came out to support the students as they made their way down the runway!

To see all the photos from the event, check out our Facebook post!

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